Beautiful Message #4

♡ a dear deer ♡

Something special like this, I like to keep it for myself. But I felt compelled to share it as it has a beautiful message

To you too my love and may Allah grant us to meet each other in HIS masjid before we die and meet again under his throne. Amen

Normal Person

Do not worry

It’s okay to be selfish about some things, to start putting yourself first.

It’s okay to take those lazy days and not get out of your bed. It’s okay to make the same mistake again as long as you keep learning.

It’s okay not to listen to other people’s opinions of you and stay the way you are.

It’s okay to take a break and skip the routine once in a while, as long as it helps you breathe.

It’s okay to get tired and take a rest. It’s okay to get angry and go and scream in the air.

It’s okay to cry and feel all those negative feelings as long as you promise to take care of yourself again

It’s okay to be wrong

It’s okay to be a normal person.

Sometimes you don’t have to be special, you just need to be a normal person

A normal person with a lot of mistakes and a big disregard only

~written by Francois Darani~

Beautiful Message #7

This… ❤ ❤ ❤

A beautiful feedback from a dear friend, who knows my writings very well

Nobody (well, almost) has beautiful writing the first time around. It’s not like that. We write something, read it over and over MANY (hundreds? thousands?) times-we change it-REwrite it-then write it again…
and again
and again…so be prepared for that if you want beautiful writing. =)

So take those bare bones and put some skin on them first. Then try out some traditional clothes, then maybe some Japanese or European. Maybe you’ll like to mix them up! See how they look–if it’s not the look you are after (the goal)–then try something else!


B-E-W-A-R-E!! The following message is from A Strange Person (a real horror flick), the sequel to The Cupping of an American Woman in Jakarta:

Sure you can say something to ME. Then after you say something, you can tell ME anything. THEN, after saying something and telling ME anything, you most definitely will have to explain everything. Once you’ve explained everything and you are sure I understand, I think it would be the right time to let ME know about somebody. If I seem a bit shocked, it would probably be wise NOT to mention anybody. After all, what would happen if after mentioning anybody I recounted the whole thing to everybody?

Well, it might just be a disaster.

TLC … tender, love and care

Food for Thought

She is a dear friend who is so thoughtful and always concerns about anything what she eats. She sent me an article about ‘SUGAR”  124 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

Contributed by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.,
Author of the book “Lick The Sugar Habit”

Okay, okay…there are many types of sugar i know…and i don’t care what ANYONE says, gula merah (brown sugar/palm sugar) and coconut sugar (honey too) are NOT the same-no matter what the reading is on whatever index-as the refined stuff…just see for yourself by how you feel after a permen (sweets/candy) or two (snacks too, for that matter) vs. how you feel after some real-deal traditional kue: you know! the good stuff with santan (coconut brooth) and rich, dark coco sugar… 😛 ~ a dear friend ~